2015/12 ̶ 至今,中原工学院,材料电子与储能学院,教师
2010/09 ̶ 2015/12,四川大学/中国工程物理研究院,原子与分子物理,提前攻博
2006/09 ̶ 2010/07,周口师范学院,物理学,学士
1.国家自然科学基金(11747062),2018/01 ̶ 2018/12,结题。
2.河南省高等学校重点科研项目(17A140014),2018/01 ̶ 2019/12,结题。
1. Wang Chenju, Gu Jianbing*, Zhang Wangxi, Sun Bin, Liu Dandan, Liu Guo qun. Nonlinear elastic response and anharmonic properties of MgO, single crystal: First-principles investigation, Computational Materials Science 124 (2016), 375.
2. Wang Chenju, Gu Jianbing, Kuang Xiaoyu*. Accurate calculations of the high-pressure elastic constants based on the first-principles. Chinese Physics B, 24 (2015), 086201.
3. Wang Chenju, Gu Jianbing, Kuang Xiaoyu*. Equation of state, nonlinear elastic response and anharmonic properties of the diamond-cubic Silicon and Germanium: first-principles investigation. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A, 70 (2015), 403.
4. Wang Chenju, Xiang Shikai*, Gu Jianbing, Kuang Xiaoyu, Yu Yin, Yan Xiaozhen, Chen Haiyan. Revisit of the relationship between the elastic properties and sound velocities at high pressures. Journal of Applied Physics 116 (2014), 1049047.
5. Wang Chenju, Kuang Xiaoyu*, Wang Huaiqian, Gu Jianbing, Liu Jun. Density-functional investigation of the geometries, stabilities, electronic, and magnetic properties of gold cluster anions doped with aluminum. Computational and Theoretical Chemistry 1002 (2012), 31.
6. Wang Chenju, Kuang Xiaoyu*, Wang Huaiqian, Li Huifang, Mao Aijie. Geometries, stabilities, electronic, and magnetic properties of small aluminum cluster anions doped with iron: A density functional theory study, Computational and Theoretical Chemistry 980 (2012), 7.
7. Gu Jianbing, Wang Chenju*, Zhang Wangxi, Sun Bin, Liu Guoqun, Liu Dandan. High-pressure structure and elastic properties of Tantalum single crystal: First principles investigation, Chinese. Physics. B 25 (2016), 126103.
8. Gu Jianbing, Wang Chenju, Cheng Yan*, Lin Zhang, Lingcang Cai, Guangfu Ji. Structural, elastic, thermodynamic, electronic properties and phase transition in half-Heusler alloy NiVSb at high pressures. Computational Materials Science 96 (2015), 72.
9. Gu Jianbing*, Wang Chenju, Zhang Lin, Cheng Yan, Yang Xiangdong. First-principles investigation of structural, mechanical, electronic and bonding properties of NaZnSb. Frontiers of Physics, 10 (2015), 107101.
10. Gu Jianbing, Wang Chenju, Cheng Yan*, Yang Xiangdong. Probing the structural and electronic properties of boron cluster anions doped with one or two aluminum atoms. Computational and Theoretical Chemistry 1049 (2014), 67.